Knitting Stitch Patterns

13 Knitting Rib Stitch Variations

Rib stitches are commonly used in knitting to add stretch and to stop rolling edges, but also because they are aesthetically pleasing. The variation of ribbing knit stitch patterns is vast. The standard ribbings use alternating knit columns and purl stitches, creating vertical textured stripes. The width of the stripes can vary from one stitch […]

13 Knitting Rib Stitch Variations

Latvian Braid Bind Off

How to: Bind off with a Latvian braid Latvian braid bind off is the last post about these pretty braids, at least until I get a new idea on the subject ๐Ÿ™‚ This pretty bind off creates a braid on the right side and from above it looks like a chain of stitches. If you’re

Latvian Braid Bind Off

Latvian Braid

How to add a decorative two color braid to knitted items In Sweden, we have a saying that translates “A loved child has many names”. I think that saying suits the Latvian braid well, as it’s also referred to as Estonian braid, Vikkel braid, and lateral braid. No matter what you call it, this braid

Latvian Braid